Cranbrook Newsletter - Term 2 Week 6 2021
Principal's Message
Providing a Safe Environment for Learning
Our core business as a school is to ensure that students achieve their potential in every aspect of their development, and research clearly demonstrates that students need to feel SAFE to fully engage in learning that increases their abilities. In fact, at Cranbrook State School, being SAFE is already highlighted as a key value in our School Wide Positive Behaviour Scheme. In our school, as with all schools, we occasionally have to deal with behaviours that are not safe due to the MINORITY. The majority of our students are safe and because of this, contribute to the culture of learning in our school. However, there are the minority of students that are not SAFE and Cranbrook, like all other Education Queensland schools, does not tolerate this behaviour in any form as outlined in our school that are not SAFE, to be able to display responsible behaviours that contribute to the culture of learning at Cranbrook State School.
Emergency Contacts
Please ensure the school has up-to-date information regarding emergency contacts so that you can be reached if an illness or accident should occur.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an educational process that brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The PBL framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.
There are three specific aspects to PBL:
- universal focus– to create a preventative, positive learning environment for all students
- targeted interventions– to improve social-emotional skills for students who need additional support
- individualised intensive supports- for students who have experienced academic and behavioural difficulties over an extended period of time.
Together, this three step process is known as developing a continuum of support. PBL uses a tiered intervention framework which uses varied levels of support for students based on their needs. The tiered approach addresses these needs through:
- investing in prevention for all students
- identifying and providing targeted supports for individual students who need more support
- providing individualised and intensive interventions for students with significant support needs.
Cranbrook has a continuum of support across the tiers that promotes student wellbeing within a school culture strongly focused on learning.
Through this framework, student assessment and instruction are linked to inform data-based decision-making. All children and young people receive universal support and instruction. If students need more support, their instructional program becomes more intensive and individualised to target their specific learning needs.
Jeff Capell
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Congratulations to Ryan in Yr 6 who is this week's PBL Assembly Draw Winner.
The Arts
Visit to Kirwan High School Art Gallery
Last week Thursday, Year 3 students visited the student Visual Art Gallery at Kirwan High School. Students were given a tour of the gallery viewing sculpture, paintings, drawings and print art created by a range of students in Years 7-12.
Our students were also treated to expert Visual Art knowledge shared by Artists in Residence Rhonda Payne and Deb Harber as they toured the gallery. They have learned a lot and now have the exciting challenge of completing their own visual art work as well as deciding how to display it once completed!
The opportunity to see art in a gallery was memorable for our Year 3 students.
On behalf Cranbrook, we would like to thank Kirwan High, Rhonda Payne and Deb Harber for assisting us with the opportunity!
Look out for some of Rhonda’s art work at the upcoming 2021 Strand Ephemera!
On Tuesday 8th June, we will be celebrating our students' hard work in the Music and Performing Arts programs with a medley of performances at our "Cranbrook Creates" Concert.
Notes will go home with those students who will be performing. Everyone is welcome to attend the evening. Please contact either Ms Sarah Earle or Mrs Suellen Onslow if you have any questions.
Sarah Earle & Suellen Onslow
Performing Arts Teachers
Arts Students of the Week
Drama Excellence - Skylah
Piccolo Voices - Harriet
Songbirds Chorus - Noelani
Nightingales Chorus - Lauren-Kate
Recorder Ensemble - Sami
Ukelele - Kylah-Rose
Woodwind and Brass -
Strings - Isabella
Percussion - Elliot
Guitar - Corey
Piano - Alice
What's On in Year 2
This term in Science, the Year 2 students are learning all about Forces. Students will create a rolling toy to be either pushed or pulled.
They will have to make a change to how their toy moves. This could be: how much force is used to push or pull the toy, the surface the toy moves on or how it moves. This week students have been investigating what happens when they push their toys on different types surfaces.
Amanda Flor
Year 2 Cohort Leader
Cranbrook's New Adopt-A-Cowboy
On Monday 24th May, Cranbrook School had a visit for our new 'Adopt a school' Cowboy,
Riley Price. Riley arrive just before lunch and popped in to say hi to 3A. He told the children a little bit about himself and that he was currently unable to play due to surgery on an injured collar bone.
During the lunch break Riley mingled with the students and was then taken on a tour of our school. Mrs Allender introduced Riley to the students in our mindfulness centre and spoke to them about how he needed to follow rules at the Cowboys in order to continue playing for the club and reminded them that adults (just like children)- have consequences for not following the rules.
After lunch Riley joined Mrs Onslow and Mrs Earle in the Arts room. The students enjoyed this interaction and Riley participated willingly and according to Mrs Earle , Riley 'was so good talking to them about their work, helping them come up with ideas for their melodrama scripts and joining in with the singing!'
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Riley to Cranbrook State School and to say thank you to all of the sponsors in particular -Bravus Mining and Resources for continuing to support this fantastic schools' program.
Anne La Fauci,
Year 3A Teacher & Adopt-A-School Coordinator
News in Sports
Season 2 Interschool Sports Commences next week.
Game days to be published soon.
From the Resource Centre - Week 6
Sora App
Don't forget to borrow a book on the SORA App. There are many different subjects areas that will suit everyone's interest. AUDIO books are available too. So download the app, or go the website - SORAapp and get started today. Don't forget to search for 'Education Queensland' NOT Cranbrook.
Chaplaincy Dinner Sponsors & Supporters
The Chaplaincy Committee, Cranbrook P and C Association and Cranbrook State School would like to thank the following businesses, supporters and families for their generosity and support towards the Chaplaincy Fundraising Dinner.
Book Club Issue #4
Book Club Issue 4 is out now!
Every Day Counts - Attendance
Regular, punctual attendance at school is expected of all students. Students should be present at school ready to prepare for the day's learning by 8:30am.
Late Arrivals
Students arriving after 8:50am must report to the office to receive a lateslip. If a student is late, a letter of explanation from the student's parent/guardian must be presented to the office staff on arrival.
If a student is absent and the parent/guardian has not notified the school, they will receive an automated text message by 10am that day.
Parents will receive a text message informing them that their child is absent. If you receive one of these text messages, please contact the school to explain the reason for your child’s absence.
A working mobile number should be registered with the school, if available.
Please remember that absence is only marked for the days specified by the parents. If you ring up on a Monday informing that your child is sick and they remain away from school for the following 2 days because they are sick you need to inform us that this was the reason for their absence. You can inform us after the absence via a message directly to the teacher or by contacting our absence hotline or email.
If your child is absent, please leave a message detailing:
- Child's name
- Class
- Reason for absence
- Dates or duration of absence
Absence Hotline - 4726 1260
Absence Email -
Absence For More Than 10 Days
What is an exemption and why do I need it?
Every parent of a child of compulsory school age has a legal obligation to ensure their child is enrolled and attending school. Parents can apply for an exemption from this obligation when their child cannot attend or it would be unreasonable in all the circumstances for their child to attend school for a period of more than 10 consecutive school days.
Situations where an application for an exemption may be made include:
- Illness
- Family reasons
- Cultural or religious reasons
If your child is exempt from compulsory schooling, you are excused from your obligation in relation to compulsory schooling.
The school principal is not responsible for providing an educational program for your child, however they may provide advice on other educational options available. Decisions about exemptions for up to one school year are made by the principal and decisions about exemptions for more than one school year are made by the relevant Regional Director of the Department of Education, Training and Employment, responsible for the supervision of the school your child attends.